We're adding major features you asked for! Reduced services until July 2023.

Contact Information

Our most common question: how quickly do you ship eGift cards?

We will email your gift card by 1PM US Eastern Time the next business day after your order.  So for example, if you place your order anytime Monday, your eGift card will product will be emailed by 1PM on Tuesday.

Trade name: WaterMelonMarkets

Holding Corporation Name: Escape Velocity Group, Inc.

Phone number: (617) 468-6853‬

Email: watermelonmarket@gmail.com and orders@watermelonmarkets.com

Physical address / for Legal Notice: WaterMelonMarkets; 8020 S Rainbow Blvd, #552; Las Vegas NV 89139, United States

To Contact the Founders Directly: Fred Zhang / Neal Wadhwa; 8020 S Rainbow Blvd, #552; Las Vegas NV 89139, United States

Jurisdiction for Legal Requests: USA: Boston, MA.