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Gift Card Satisfaction Guarantee

Trusted Seller Guarantee 

Our main product are gift cards sold by third parties, also known as Trusted Sellers. With all Trusted Sellers, we have the Trusted Seller Guarnatee for buyers. We take no fees and provide transaction insurance for you.

As serial founders who are today specializing in getting you the lowest prices goods and services, we guarantee that the gift card that you receive will work as follows. First, for all cards where we can verify the balance, we will always verify the balance before sending to you. Second, if you have any issues with the card in the first 24 hours of receiving it, please reach out to us and we’ll generally adjudicate the case favorably for you. This applies only to gift cards that buyers have not modified in any way, including revealing to anyone else or any other marketplace. If you can provably show the above, we will additionally guarantee that you get your money back.

Guarantee for Sellers

We guarantee that we never reveal your gift card information until the buyer has funds locked in an Escrow contract. For gift cards where we can verify the balance before sending to the buyer, we will check the balance. If the balance exists at the time we send the card to the buyer and you haven’t modified the card after we send to the buyer, we will guarantee that you will be paid out, even if the buyer doesn’t release the escrow.